Den selvsmarte filmmand og singlefyr, John på 55, har været i Spanien for
at få inspiration og skrive det filmmanuskript, der skal redde hans
skrantende karriere. Han skal nu hjem til Danmark til et vigtigt møde med
en producent. I lufthavnen falder han tilfældigvis i snak med den
jævnaldrende tandlæge, Flemming, der har været nede i familiens
sommerhus. De opdager, at de har en fælles forbindelse: John, var nemlig
– som helt ung – gift med Flemmings nuværende kone, Camilla. Deres fælles tur gennem
Spanien, Frankrig, Belgien og Tyskland byder på en del overraskelser og
udfordringer. På trods alle forskellighederne og en latent jalousi
over en “fælles” kone, har de et klart skæbne-fællesskab: Den vej, de har
fulgt indtil nu, er ved at sande til… og GPS’en virker ikke!
Download Eksmænd-manus
Smarmy film maker and single guy, John, 55, has travelled to Spain to find
inspiration and write the screenplay he is counting on to save his ailing career.
Now he is on his way home to Denmark for an important meeting with a
producer. At the airport, he strikes up a casual conversation with Nigel, a dentist
of the same age, who has been visiting his summer cottage. They discover that
they have acommon connection: As a young man, John was married to Nigel’s
current wife, Camilla. They encounter a number of surprises
and challenges on their journey through Spain, France, Belgium and Germany.
Despite all their differences and latent jealousy about their “shared” wife, they have
something that unites them: The path they’ve been on so far is starting to fizzle
out… and the sat nav is not working! Download Ex-men English